I'm a son. A brother. An uncle. Insecure. Full of issues. An observer. Love to eat/drink. A brother-in-law. A friend. A pessimist. An optimist. A hopeless romantic. Jaded. A confidant. A drinking buddy. An encourager. A gay man. An introvert. An extrovert. A social butterfly. A homebody. A dicotomy of life. A co-worker. But above all else. I'm a RUNNER. Run with me. This is me. Anonymously Running Through Life.


Week Totals

Total Miles this week: 41.4 miles - the least I've ran in a while, but I was resting from some longer runs last week and I had a guest in town this past weekend. I know, I know - no excuses!

11.2.08 - 6 miles - short run b/c of house guest at home waiting...
11.1.08 - 4 miles - short run b/c of house guest at home waiting...
10.31.08 - 3.1 miles - on TM after work. Halloween party after:)
10.30.08 - 9.5 miles - breaking in the new Asics
10.29.08 - 6.2 miles - on TM after work
10.28.08 - 9.5 miles - breaking in the new Sauconys
10.27.08 - 3.1 miles - on TM after work. Legs were SORE from 20+ miler yesterday!

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About the Runner

Atlanta, Georgia, United States