I'm a son. A brother. An uncle. Insecure. Full of issues. An observer. Love to eat/drink. A brother-in-law. A friend. A pessimist. An optimist. A hopeless romantic. Jaded. A confidant. A drinking buddy. An encourager. A gay man. An introvert. An extrovert. A social butterfly. A homebody. A dicotomy of life. A co-worker. But above all else. I'm a RUNNER. Run with me. This is me. Anonymously Running Through Life.


It's been a while...

So, I've neglected this blog for a couple of months now. I dunno why. Posting on RWOL and Facebook have pretty much consumed my online life lately. I've neglected to post on here about a very important goal that I've accomplished.

The Boston Marathon.

Words can't describe your first Boston Marathon experience. There a few things in life that ever live up to your expectations, but the Boston Marathon surpasses any expectation that you could dream up. To try to put it into words does not do it justice. I met some great people. Ran a great race. And I'll be there again next year. I ran a PR of 3:04:40 and had the time of my life! It's something I'll never forget!

So, with a renewed blogging effort, I'm going to blog about:

- my daily runs
- running experiences
- running rants
- races

Let's do this thing...again!

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States