I'm a son. A brother. An uncle. Insecure. Full of issues. An observer. Love to eat/drink. A brother-in-law. A friend. A pessimist. An optimist. A hopeless romantic. Jaded. A confidant. A drinking buddy. An encourager. A gay man. An introvert. An extrovert. A social butterfly. A homebody. A dicotomy of life. A co-worker. But above all else. I'm a RUNNER. Run with me. This is me. Anonymously Running Through Life.


Am I Crazy?

After flip-flopping back and forth on whether to register for a marathon on my birthday, I decided to go ahead and do it. What better way to ring in turning another year older than to do what I love? Most of my friends think I'm crazy, but that's nothing new...lol. Plus, if I don't qualify for Boston on Thanksgiving (which I will! Or die trying!), this will give me another opportunity to. Plus, this race has a high percentage of BQ's!

3.7.09 Snickers Marathon in Albany, GA


Christine said...

Do it.

I was considering running a marathon on my birthday, but it was across the country and I haven't run that distance before.

Stephen said...

Yup, I'm doing it! I'm stoked! What better way to ring in getting another year older?

runningman said...

I hope you did qualify for Boston. Last time I tried I think I did die trying.

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About the Runner

Atlanta, Georgia, United States