I'm a son. A brother. An uncle. Insecure. Full of issues. An observer. Love to eat/drink. A brother-in-law. A friend. A pessimist. An optimist. A hopeless romantic. Jaded. A confidant. A drinking buddy. An encourager. A gay man. An introvert. An extrovert. A social butterfly. A homebody. A dicotomy of life. A co-worker. But above all else. I'm a RUNNER. Run with me. This is me. Anonymously Running Through Life.



Running makes me happy.
Truly happy.
Like nothing else.
No matter what else is going on in my life.
I have running.
It's my sanctuary.
It's my Zen.
It's my "home".
It's my...ME.


What happens when I don't have it anymore?
What happens when I can't do it anymore?
What happens to me?
If I am running...
...then what am I when I'm no longer able to run?

(I'm in a depressed mood tonight...for reasons that I hate...the "ex" factor...urgh...so forgive me...)

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States