I'm a son. A brother. An uncle. Insecure. Full of issues. An observer. Love to eat/drink. A brother-in-law. A friend. A pessimist. An optimist. A hopeless romantic. Jaded. A confidant. A drinking buddy. An encourager. A gay man. An introvert. An extrovert. A social butterfly. A homebody. A dicotomy of life. A co-worker. But above all else. I'm a RUNNER. Run with me. This is me. Anonymously Running Through Life.


3 Die in Detroit Marathon

3 Die in Detroit Marathon

This just breaks my heart. We do what we can to stay healthy, push ourselves beyond it's limits, and sometimes our bodies just can't handle it.

My mom was worried about me when I went to Boston. Having read a similar story, she expressed her concerns. Yes, it can happen. There's nothing we can do to prevent it. I love running and I won't stop because it's happened to other runners. We never know if it'll happen to us, but we pray that it won't.

It's just sad. My heart actually ached for these 3 men whom I don't even know when I read this article. It hits close to home, as a runner.

Be safe, y'all. Enjoy every run. Enjoy every day. Period.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States